Why LT?
Why did you choose to open and maintain an LT account? Do you/did you use other online cataloging/social networking sites, like GoodReads or Shelfari? Do you use more than one? Are they different or do they serve different purposes?
I pretty much stumbled on LT one day, and thinking, "This looks awesome" immediately signed up and started cataloguing my library. I hadn't heard of cataloguing sites before LT, and, from what I've seen of some of the others, I seem to have stumbled on the best one. GoodReads, which seems to be the next best thing to LT, also looks like a blatant copy. Although I'm on facebook, LT is the only book cataloguing/social networking site I use. I just never saw the need to use more than one site that did the same thing, which I guess is why I only use facebook, even though I also have a myspace account.
I guess the real idea of all the sites is so that we all can find the best fit for us and stick with it. I'm not much for duplication of purposes either, though some of the features have coaxed me to use other sites as well. LT is the only one that keeps me every time, though. (Facebook couldn't; I never did figure out what the point was for that.)
LT was the first one I found (on recommendation from friends), but it suits me well and does exactly what I need, so I never had any reason to look at others.
agreed keep to what works for you
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